I believe in mental health care. I believe people get real help there. I am not belittling the mental anguish that people go through. However, there is much to be said about the practice of people who simply "Stop it!" or "knock it off!" I think that our culture has so imbedded the idea that we are not responsible for anything that people have ceased to take control of their own actions. It is a little like Adam when he blamed Eve for making him eat the apple. If you remember, Adam then blamed God for giving him the woman. What a jackass! Take responsibility.
Sometimes you just have to say that you wont do something anymore or that you choose to do the right thing. No mind games, no pills, no counseling just stop it! If you dont want to be mean to people anymore or your wife or your kids... stop it! If you dont want the poor diet you've chosen then stop it! If you are tired of living a meaningless life... stop it! Its a simple concept, but it takes the man in us (or woman) to stop the bad behavior and take responsibility for it.
The trick then is to replace the bad behavior with something good. DONT DO NOTHING. You will slip back into old habits. Do something good. Do an act of service. Do something generous.
Part of the issue may be that our society no longer has rights of passages and no mentoring of young people to learn what it is to be responsible for their actions. This too is an excuse in the long run.
We can change the future, but not the past. Likely, if you can read this, you can take some responsibility for your actions. So simply stop it. See if that helps. Then tell someone. Its called accountability. Then someone else can help tell you to "Stop it!"