Our society likes to follow trends and even politics of entertainers that we find on film and television. Thats a little weird when you consider that a lot of people are following the advise of people who have had very little education in some cases and have about as much grasp on reality as i have on what it must be like to be a dwarf.
It goes further than that in our culture. I don't want to make any political statements here, but how many people support a candidate or cause because they actually evaluate it? Most voters hold to a party line. It doesn't matter if the President came out with a free no obligation health care plan that needs no extra funding. Most red states would vote against it because of the party associated with it. You know it is true. Howard Stern put interviews on the air in the last election about the policies of the two presidential candidates. In the end, it was clear that many people were voting for an ethnicity and not an issue, cause or policy. I knew one older woman who wanted to vote for one candidate because he was a nice looking fellow. You should be concerned.
If you or your family or even this country want to improve we must begin once again to think for ourselves. I like the author and speaker Tony Campolo. He says people ask him all the time if he is a Democrat or a Republican. His answer is always the same... "Tell me the issue." He believes different things about different issues and so do you. Stop letting people tell you what to think and find out for yourself. I get truly frustrated with a party line mentality. I like leaders who can see that if something is a good idea and it works that it does not matter where it came from.
Remember when your teacher would say "don't judge a book by its cover."? A lot of people have lost the art of actually looking into something. In the "Google" arena, people have forgotten that thought is a process.
Think about it.